
Easy Japanese-style Hamburger with Hijiki and Tofu

Easy Japanese-style Hamburger with Hijiki and Tofu

Ingredients (4 servings)

hijiki mix 65g
tofu 100g
ground chicken thighs 200g
egg 1 egg
mayonnaise 1 tablespoon
salt and pepper to taste
leaves (optional) 5
olive oil as needed

how to make

  1. Rehydrate the Hijiki mix in hot water for about 10 minutes and drain well.

  2. Put all ingredients except the hijiki and the sauce in a bowl, knead and divide into 4 equal parts. (Tear off perilla and add if you like.)

  3. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add the ingredients from Step 2, brown the surface over high heat, and turn it over.

  4. After turning over, reduce the heat to low and cover with a lid. Bake for about approximately 5 minutes.

  5. When the Hijiki mix is ​​cooked, add the sauce that came with the Hijiki package.Top up and serve!


This healthy and nutritious burger is sure to please children and adults alike. It can not only be eaten with rice, but also as a delicious sandwich. Perfect for lunch boxes!

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