About Kira Foods


The view of the world we aim for at Kira Foods


It is a vegetable shop that makes and delivers seasonal vegetables.

You can eat what you want to eat according to the four seasons.
Behind that, there is always a hardship of the producers who survive rainy days and windy days.
Even so, in order to add even a little color to the food culture that is important in our lives, it is our way of life to continue to evolve and produce seasonal vegetables.

Significance ofKira Shokuhin's Existence

  • vision

    Make your daily life a little richer

  • tag line

    Create living raw materials

  • Mission

    Continuing to make really good raw materials

  • stance

    All the things and connections involved



The importance anddifficulty of food

Our work is affected by the weather, processing takes time and effort, and it is difficult to keep selling at the same price even though the purchase price is different.
On the other hand, it would be a waste if mass production was done to increase sales.

It may not be possible to convey to consumers that there are many difficulties faced by producers because food is so important for people to live, but I would like to convey this to consumers.

We are doing everything we can without overstretching ourselves.


Representative Message

uphold good culture
Our mission is to pass it on to the next generation

uphold good culture
Our mission is to pass it on to the next generation


Representative Director Yoshihiko Kira

Based on our achievements since our founding in 1972, we have always been a pioneer in the drying industry and have developed new products. In order to deliver fresh, delicious and convenient vegetables to consumers' mouths, we strictly adhere to "100% domestic vegetables" and work on a system that uses safe and secure vegetables that the producers can see and manufactures in our own factory. .
Dried foods such as dried daikon radish and dried shiitake mushrooms have been part of Japanese culture for a long time. I believe that it is my mission to preserve such good Japanese culture and pass it on to the next generation.
I prefer fresh fish and meat. But it's not a problem if you don't have it, but it's convenient if you have it. We will do everything in our power to enrich the lives of our customers.